As the principal funders of sport in the RAF, Flight Lieutenant Bryn Mullard has been keen to give back to the charity that has not only supported him but provides vital funds to ensure serving personnel stay physically fit and healthy during their time in the service. Bryn talks to us about trying a variety of sports during his career and how his desire to give back led to becoming an RAF Central Fund Ambassador.
“I joined the Royal Air Force in 2011 as an Avionics Technician and spent approximately seven years working on Chinooks and Typhoons before commissioning in 2019 when I became an Engineering Officer.
I have always been driven by sport, with some of my earliest memories being at nursery and throwing foam javelins on sports day! Throughout my school years, post school and into my RAF career I have continually played some form of sport. Trying everything from bobsleigh to parachuting, my two main sports have always been volleyball and badminton, a very random mix! On joining the RAF, I began to focus on volleyball, playing for the RAF team since 2012 and more recently representing at UKAF level.
Sport is incredibly important to me as it not only keeps me physically healthy, but also provides me with a huge sense of achievement on so many levels. Besides the obvious benefits of sport, staying active can also improve our mental wellbeing, resilience, team spirit and social skills. I also have lots of hilarious memories from my time playing sport, but the large international tournaments are always a highlight! Aircom is a competition that takes place every two years with the RAF competing against several European Air Force teams. The host nation is rotated for each event which has given me an amazing opportunity to travel the world playing the sport I love.
I have recently picked up badminton again, attending a number of new member engagement events put on by the RAF Badminton Association. These events are genuinely a lot of fun; you meet so many new people whilst enjoying healthy competition on court and all without judgement, which is exactly what I needed as I felt a little rusty! New member engagement events are a great place to start if you are completely new to a sport or wanting to get back into it as I was. If you are interested in a particular sport, the best place to start is by looking for the relevant association page on social media or through the Sports Federation website. They will often advertise opportunities and you can reach out to a committee member to request updates as to when the next event is taking place.
Sport in the RAF is massively supported by the RAF Central Fund, so the charity has been close to my heart ever since joining. I have received a lot of funding over the years for clothing, equipment, competitions and more, all of which has made my sport more accessible and provided opportunities which I am eternally grateful for. Not only have I benefitted on an individual level but the number of RAFCF supported Station clubs and facilities I’ve benefitted from is insane! That’s why I decided to become an RAF Central Fund Ambassador, by way of a thank you for what the Fund has invested in me.
Without the support of the Central Fund, a lot of what we have available would cease to exist.
As an RAFCF Ambassador, which is really fun by the way, it is our job to be the focal point on unit for the Central Fund. This means we are there to inform people about the charitable funding available to serving personnel through the Central Fund’s grant streams and encourage fundraising where possible. Charities have experienced a huge impact on fundraising since COVID-19 and the Central Fund is no exception. It is therefore so important that we continue to support a charity whose sole intent is to support and encourage participation in sport and physical activity for serving RAF personnel. There aren’t many jobs which allow for time for sport, and it is crucial that serving personnel take advantage of these opportunities. The Central Fund opens sport and physical activity to everyone of all abilities, from individuals taking up a sport for the first time all the way to elite athletes. Without the support of the Central Fund, a lot of what we have available would cease to exist.
One of the best ways that you can support the charity that supports you is by playing the RAF Sports Lottery. The more tickets in the lottery, the more support the Fund can provide back to serving personnel, it really is as simple as that. I recently won £100 which isn’t to be sniffed at and I’m hoping that it’s a sign of bigger prizes to come!”
Flt Lt Bryn Mullard
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