Captain Tom 100 For The RAF Central Fund

Tuesday 06 April 2021

Following the outpouring of heartfelt messages since the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore on 2 February, his family pledged to celebrate his life with an event that everyone, in the UK and around the world, could be involved in. That event is the Captain Tom 100 and the RAF Central Fund is proud to be inviting our supporters to take part. 

The RAF Central Fund, like many other charities, has been hugely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s had a catastrophic effect, with the cancellation of vital fundraising events and the loss of significant amounts of investment income.

Captain Tom 100 offers RAFCF supporters of all ages and abilities, the opportunity to raise crucial funds for our charity, while at the same time celebrating Captain Tom’s generosity of spirit, the hope and joy he brought to millions, and his sense of fun.

How it works

It’s so simple. All participants need to do is dream up a Captain Tom 100 challenge based around the number 100 and do it at anytime and anywhere over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend – starting on Friday 30 April through to Bank Holiday Monday 3 May.

The challenge can be anything but as the RAF charity for sport we would encourage our supporters to take on a physical challenge such as walking 100 steps or running 100 metres, scoring 100 goals, climbing 100 stairs – or something else of your choosing, inside or out!  It’s your chance to do it your way!

Fundraise or donate

Once you’ve decided what you’re doing, you can fundraise or donate to the RAF Central Fund using our campaign pages on JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving.

We are delighted to provide each of our RAFCF fundraisers with an exclusive challenge T-shirt! All you need to do to receive yours is email with the link to your fundraising page along with your preferred size (S, M, L or XL) and postal address.

If you wish to do the Captain Tom 100 to fundraise for multiple charities including the RAF Central Fund then please set up a regular Virgin Money Giving fundraising page.

We hope you’ll join the thousands of people around the world taking part in Captain Tom 100 and spread his message of hope while raising much-needed funds for the RAF Central Fund.


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